Step up to infinite opportunities
Kickstart your investment journey or diversify your portfolio at your preferred pace with 3 different minimum investment periods (MIPs) to choose from – 15, 20 or 25 years.
Key benefits
Additional benefits
- Diversify your portfolio to your preferenceGain exclusive access to close to 70 world-class funds and exposure to different markets, catered to your risk appetite.
- Option to invest in dividend-paying fundsChoose between reinvesting your dividends or receiving a payout to boost your income.
- Be protected while you investEnjoy complimentary protection against death and terminal illness up to age 99, and accidental death coverage up to age 75.

Brighten your year with up to 60% start-up bonus when you sign up now
Sign up for HSBC Life Wealth Voyage by 31 March 2025 and earn better start-up bonus of up to 60% in the first year of policy! T&Cs apply.
Are you eligible?
The entry age is:
- 1 month[@age-attained] to 65[@age-nearest] years, for the insured person
- 18[@age-attained] to 99[@age-nearest] years, for the policyholder
Apply now
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See your policy details and manage your HSBC Life policies with just a few taps any time, wherever you are.